Oasi Ambientale Baremone
- address , 25070 Anfo (BS)
In the Province of Brescia there are approximately six environmental oases, the largest of which is the Baremone oasis. The area spans over parts of Pertica Bassa, Collio, Anfo, Lavenone and Bagolino. The region boasts environmental characteristics of great value and importance that have been promoted in recent years by the Province of Brescia, which has carried out programs for the monitoring of some species of sedentary fauna. Any form of hunting is prohibited in this protected area. Within the Baremone Oasis there are three mountain passes, one of which, the Passo della Berga, has been established as a ringing base for identification purposes. On the Passo della Spina it is worth noting the singing arena of the black grouse (Gallo Forcello) bird otherwise known as the “Fagiano di Monte” or “Mountain Pheasant”.